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Covid-19 Protocol

These are all the hygiene and control measures to provide a safe holiday in Oliva Nova

These are unprecedented times and that is why the safety and health of each of our guests becomes vital, now more than ever. Although it seems that the sanitary crisis is improving little by little and vaccination arrives progressively, Oliva Nova daily monitors the situation derived from COVID-19 to offer a safe stay to our guests.

Our way of life and our habits have dramatically changed since 2020. However, it is very inspiring to see how we have been adapting and motivating ourselves to prepare our way forward to normality. We have heard so much about that “new normality” lately and it has brought hundreds of protocols and new guidelines with it. Oliva Nova is resilient, and our human workforce is ready to face difficulties and successfully emerge from difficult situations.

We have always become better, and without a doubt it has been no different this time.

Reliable and flexible bookings

During this difficult period of uncertainty, we continue offering flexibility and support to all those whose bookings have been affected, because of the national and regional restrictions.

Best price guarantee booking via www.olivanova.com

Please, see the free cancellation period; after this date, the cancellation entails a charge of 25% of the total reservation.

In case of force majeur (COVID), the deposit paid is always returned.

Deposit is not required, except for bookings in mid-season and high season:

  • From 17th June to 28th July 2022
  • A deposit of 25% of the reservation is required at least 15 days prior to the arrival date. After this date, a total or partial cancellation of a booking incurs the loss of the deposit.
  • From 29th July to 20th August 2022
  • A deposit of 25% of the reservation is required at least 30 days prior to the arrival date. After this date, a total or partial cancellation of a booking incurs the loss of the deposit.
  • From 21st August to 10th September 2022
  • A deposit of 25% of the reservation is required at least 15 days prior to the arrival date. After this date, a total or partial cancellation of a booking incurs the loss of the deposit.

If you need to readjust your bookings, please do not hesitate to call our reservation team (+34) 96 285 79 44 or send an e-mail to reservas@olivanova.com. We will be happy to help you with everything you need and resolve any questions that may arise.

Current regulation in the Valencian region from the 22nd February 2022

  • • People over 6 years old must wear a mask:
  • • Indoor spaces
  • • In the multitudinous events that take place in outdoor spaces when the attendees are standing. If they are seated, it will be mandatory when a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters between people cannot be maintained.
  • • It is not allowed to smoke or using hookahs, electronic cigarettes, or vaping in outdoor or closed spaces, especially when social distancing cannot be kept.

Safe holidays in the Hotel

  • • Implementation of more exhaustive cleaning and disinfection protocols for common areas, with the use of biocidal products with virucide activity authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Health: BIOMAN (product with a high disinfecting power with detergent action), OXICUAT (multi-surface cleaner, sanitizer with active oxygen ), GERMESAN (gel for sanitary hand disinfection) and DREAMHAND GEL HIDROALCOHÓLICO (hand sanitizing gel without rinsing).
  • • New protocols to clean and disinfect rooms: longer room ventilation time, virucide products will be included in the list of cleaning product used, machine washing and disinfection of bed linen and towels with hot water (higher than 70ºC) and detergent.
  • • If a guest at the accommodation develops symptoms of COVID-19, please inform our staff at the front desk and follow their instructions.
  • • Hand sanitizer soap dispensers and informative posters for hand washing are available at all points of contact (doors, passage areas, surfaces, lifts, etc.)
  • • Measurement of body temperature and fever detection without contact. In addition, the temperature of all employees will be recorded when they arrive and when they leave the facilities.
  • • The whole staff is ready to provide and transmit peace of mind to our guests in their future stays and will be constantly trained to be able to offer up-to-date information to any questions that may arise. Have a look at this video to know the new measures.

Safe holidays in Las Dunas

  • • Implementation of more exhaustive cleaning and disinfection protocols for common areas, with the use of biocidal products with virucide activity authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Health: BIOMAN (product with a high disinfecting power with detergent action), OXICUAT (multi-surface cleaner, sanitizer with active oxygen ), GERMESAN (gel for sanitary hand disinfection) and DREAMHAND GEL HIDROALCOHÓLICO (hand sanitizing gel without rinsing).
  • • New protocols to clean and disinfect every apartment and bungalow: longer room ventilation time, virucide products will be included in the list of cleaning product used, machine washing and disinfection of bed linen and towels with hot water (higher than 70ºC) and detergent, possibility to book additional cleaning hours if needed during your stay…
  • • If a guest at the accommodation develops symptoms of COVID-19, please inform our staff at the front desk and follow their instructions.
  • • Hand sanitizer soap dispensers and informative posters for hand washing are available at all points of contact (doors, passage areas, surfaces, lifts, etc.)
  • • Measurement of body temperature and fever detection without contact. In addition, the temperature of all employees will be recorded when they arrive and when they leave the facilities.
  • • The whole staff is ready to provide and transmit peace of mind to our guests in their future stays and will be constantly trained to be able to offer up-to-date information to any questions that may arise.

Safe holidays in our Villas and Apartments

  • • Implementation of more exhaustive cleaning and disinfection protocols for common areas, with the use of biocidal products with virucide activity authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Health: BIOMAN (product with a high disinfecting power with detergent action), OXICUAT (multi-surface cleaner, sanitizer with active oxygen ), GERMESAN (gel for sanitary hand disinfection) and DREAMHAND GEL HIDROALCOHÓLICO (hand sanitizing gel without rinsing).
  • • New protocols to clean and disinfect every apartment and bungalow: longer room ventilation time, virucide products will be included in the list of cleaning product used, machine washing and disinfection of bed linen and towels with hot water (higher than 70ºC) and detergent, possibility to book additional cleaning hours if needed during your stay…
  • • If a guest at the accommodation develops symptoms of COVID-19, please inform our staff at the front desk and follow their instructions.
  • • Measurement of body temperature and fever detection without contact. In addition, the temperature of all employees will be recorded when they arrive and when they leave the facilities.
  • • The whole staff is ready to provide and transmit peace of mind to our guests in their future stays and will be constantly trained to be able to offer up-to-date information to any questions that may arise.


  • • Access to the beach is allowed for walking or physical and outdoor activity, maintaining physical distancing, hygiene and prevention measures.
  • • Oliva Townhall published a website with a control de aforo en playas. They collect data on how many people are on the beaches every day at 11:00am, 1:00pm, and 5:00pm, meaning that you can decide the best time for you to go.
  • Recommendations:
    • • Avoid the busiest hours
    • • Keep social distancing to avoid contagion and stay and a bit further if it’s breezy.
    • • Clean up after your stay, taking all rubbish with you.
    • • Maximise your individual hygiene: anything you take to the beach should be clean, wear flip flops or appropriate footwear, everyone should have his/her own towel, keep washing your hands, avoid touching tour nose or mouth, don’t swallow water…
    • • Respect and follow any instructions given by the rescue and lifeguarding services.
    • • Avoid touching other people’s belongings or anything which is for communal use.

Kids Club

  • • Activities for children from 4 to 12 years old have been organised. Children and families staying at our facilities can join the entertaining programme. Oli will be waiting for you!
  • • In any case, the activities are subject to change or cancellation depending in the current regulations.
  • • Every activity is adapted to the current regulations, both in the measures adopted by monitors and the measures that the participants must comply with.
  • • Limited capacity and small groups of children..

Food and beverage

These measures affect to all activities consisting of the provision of beverage service and food prepared for consumption inside or outside the facilities, as well as self-service or buffet services.

  • • You must always wear your mask indoors, except while consuming.
  • • The use of the bar for consumption is allowed if the interpersonal safety distance can be maintained.
  • • Professional performances by musical groups and disk jockeys are allowed, ensuring sufficient ventilation and a distance of at least 2 meters between musicians and the public.
  • • It is not allowed to smoke or using hookahs, electronic cigarettes or vaping in outdoor or closed spaces.
  • • Supermarket, open every day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Play golf safely

  • • Our facilities have been completely disinfected and cleaners will do it on a daily basis.
  • • Social distance (2 metres) should be maintained at all times and physical contact should be avoided during the course of the game.
  • • The mask is mandatory indoor. It is not necessary to weae ir during while playing, as long as the 2 meters of safety distance is kept.
  • • Bookings and payment of Green Fees will preferably be made online, although cash payment is also accepted.
  • • The following services and facilities are availble to players:
    • Facilities
    • Golf Course
    • Driving range
    • Pro-Shop
    • Locker room
    • Toilets in the golf course and in the Club House
    • Restaurant
    • Services
    • Cash payment
    • Golf Competitions
    • 4-Player games
    • Opening of borders of the Valencian Community to other regions
  • • The flags on the holes must always remain in place, they cannot be removed or touched.
  • • The holes must have a cap that prevents the ball from going down completely at the end of the hole. The player will pick up the ball with as much prevention as possible.
  • • The commitment to the health of our customers goes beyond mandatory measures. Playing in Oliva Nova is safe, as we have shown since the opening of the field, thanks to the exhaustive safety and hygiene measures put in place with the aim of minimizing risks of contagion.

Guaranteed relax

  • • Training all staff for our prevention plan, for both employees and customers.
  • • Complete disinfection in all the facilities: Spa, Fitness, treatment area and changing rooms.
  • • We have adapted and expanded our cleaning and disinfection products: chlorinated products as viruses are deactivated after five minutes in contact with this kind of disinfectants.
  • • The frequency of cleaning and disinfection has been increased to three times a day and spray disinfectants have been placed in all areas, to be able to disinfect them after use or contact with surfaces.
  • • In order to comply with the safety distance recommended (1.5 meters) by the Spanish Ministry of Health, we must establish maximum capacities in each of the areas of the establishment. These are:
    • a. Spa circuit and water area: 20 people.
    • b. Fitness area: 10 people.
    • c. Changing rooms: 3 people.
    • d. Treatment area: 1 person per room and therapist.
  • • In order to achieve the maximum capacity, a schedule has been established for each of the areas:
    • a. Spa circuit and water areas: from 8:00 to 20:00h.
    • b. Fitness area: from 8:00 to 20:00h.
    • c. Treatment area: from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00h.
  • • An appointment must be taken for each of these areas, which can be made through www.olivanova.com, through the Oliva Nova app or by calling +34 96 285 79 73.
  • • Hydroalcoholic gel and spray dispensers are at your disposal at the entrance to ONWS for clothing and footwear. Please, make use of them before entering the facilities.
  • • In the Spa area, it is mandatory to wear swimming cap and flip flops that have not been in contact with the outside.
  • • Non-essential elements such as flyers and brochures in paper format, magazines and written press, water dispensers…. have been removed from the Fitness area and also courtesy food and drinks have been removed from the treatment area.
  • • Our towels are always washed by industrial laundry guaranteeing their disinfection. This laundry has UNE-EN 14065 standard certification, which guarantees compliance with the processes, from the collection of used clothes, to the delivery of clean clothes, attending to maximum hygiene conditions.
  • • Ventilation is essential to maintain the quality and safety of the breathing air. We have a ventilation protocol in which all windows are open for at least 30 minutes and we have also installed air purifiers in those areas without windows.
  • • Staff protection by providing them with masks, face shields and gloves.
  • • Protective screen in the reception desk.
  • • Temperature will be taken daily for Oliva Nova Wellness Spa staff and customers upon access.
  • • 1,5 m separation between customers when waiting to approach reception, and within the different areas of the establishment.
  • • A guided circuit has been established within the water and sauna area in order to maintain safe distances.
  • • We encourage the use of credit cards and room charges to avoid the use of banknotes and coins, with no minimum amount of payment.
  • • Disinfection of the TPV after each use.
  • • Mandatory distance between hammocks in both water and relax areas.
  • • We have started to carry out the treatment service in your own room to help with safety measures. This service is provided at no extra charge.
  • • ID control at the entrance and exit of each client.

You’ll only have to worry about enjoying

The well-being of our guests was already our main priority and it is even more so now. Since the State of Alarm was decreed on March 14th, 2020, we have been adopting new health and hygiene measures and strictly following the guidelines of the government and the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

We are ready to welcome you and we hope to see you again very soon. Without a doubt, this new crisis has made us grow as a team.

Renseignements et réservations:


Responsable du traitement: OLIVA NOVA, S.L.

Adresse du responsable: Avda. Picasso, 1, CP 46780, Oliva (Valencia/València)

Finalité: Vos données seront utilisées afin de pouvoir répondre à vos demandes et de vous fournir nos services, y compris le commerce en ligne.

Publicity: Nous ne vous enverrons de la publicité que si vous nous y autorisez au préalable en cochant la case correspondante, prévue à cet effet.

Intérêts légitimes: Nous ne traiterons vos données que si vous nous y autorisez au préalable en cochant la case correspondante, prévue à cet effet.

Destinataires: En règle générale, seul notre personnel dûment autorisé est habilité à prendre connaissance des informations que nous avons recueillies auprès de vous.

Droits: Vous avez le droit de savoir quelles sont les informations que nous détenons vous concernant, de les rectifier et de les supprimer, comme expliqué dans les informations complémentaires disponibles sur notre site Internet.

Informations complémentaires: Plus d’informations dans la section « Politique de Confidentialité » on our website.

Merci par votre formulaire, on entrera en contact avec vous dès que possible

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